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E tswa ho Wiktionary

Sesotho word (South African orthography): -tjha
Sesotho word (Lesotho orthography): -tjha

English translation: new (adjective)

Derivative(s)/Related word(s):
motjha (class 1, 2, 3);
batjha (class 1a and 2a);
metjha (class 4);
letjha (class 5);
matjha (class 6);
setjha (class 7);
ntjha (class 8, 9 and 10);
botjha (class 14);
hotjha (class 15)
(Adjective - new)

Example of usage: Ke na le koloi e ntjha. (I have a new car.)
Similar words: Selemo se Setjha (New Year)

Also see Sesotho Noun classes

--Sesotho.web.za 09:28, 23 June 2006 (UTC)